APASA Staff Policies Pertaining to Gender-Based Violence FAQ
The following are common questions APASA staff received when engaging in conversations around gender-based violence. These answers are given from the perspective and policies held by APASA staff. If you have questions about the policies of other offices, we suggest visiting those offices to understand their procedures. Remember that you can always reach out to an APASA staff member if you have additional questions.
Most University employees are responsible for promptly reporting any concern of sex discrimination related to a student to the Title IX Coordinator, Deputy Coordinators, UAPD, or staff in the Office of Institutional Equity or Dean of Students Office. In the case of APASA, this is all APASA professional staff and student staff are mandatory reporters.
When a student discloses information relating to gender-based violence, APASA staff will notify the student of their obligation as a mandatory reporter and outline how the staff member is required to report to the Title IX office regarding the conversation. The APASA staff member will share any resources and refer the student to a confidential advocate. It is the student's choice whether they wish to continue giving the APASA staff member information or wait until the student is contacted by the Title IX office.
If the student seeks avoid mandatory reporting, the student should seek out confidential advocates such as staff at Survivor Advocacy and CAPS. Got to APASA's list of resources to find further information.
Once an incident is reported to the Title IX office, the Title IX Coordinator will email the student who experienced gender-based violence and gather information in a confidential manner. The Title IX office will explain the next steps and provide details on what the student may do. This can include initiating a Title IX investigation on the incident.
APASA staff are not involved in the Title IX processes unless the student decides to disclose this information with a staff member. Additionally, the Title IX office will not share any information nor update APASA staff on the status of these reports. However, it is customary for APASA staff to check-in on the student via email to see if additional assistance or resources are needed.
In cases where a perpetrator has been investigated and found responsible for violating student conduct, Title IX will decide whether or not a perpetrator is allowed to return to campus or barred from certain areas of campus. In these cases, APASA staff will be notified if a perpetrator is no longer allowed in APASA premises.
All you need to do is notify an APASA staff member that you wish to have a CAPS referral. You do not need to communicate to APASA the reason for using CAPS services or even indicate it is even for an incident of gender-based violence. The conversation between APASA staff and yourself is simple and would only require you to share your Name, SID, and what type of services you would need. This allows APASA to contact CAPS and indicate that your appointments would be covered by APASA.
You can find APASA staff contact information on our Staff Page.
A "No Contact Order" is an administrative action conducted by the Dean of Students that allows a student to protect themselves by requiring another student(s) to not come into physical, verbal, or virtual contact with the initiating student.
To get a "No Contact Order", reach out the Student Assistance Center at the Dean of Students.