Our Asian, Pacific Islander, and Desi American Heritage is a celebration of community, one as colorful and vibrant as it is diverse. Just as in a family, our different facet over 40 nationalities, dozens of religions and hundreds of languages are a part of what makes us strong. Listen closely: Each language and dialect carries stories of both joy and persistence that reverberate across the nation and the world. See us: We are your neighbors, friends, Nobel Prize winners, political trailblazers, Olympic athletes, artists and inventors. We use our rich traditions, built over generations, to illuminate the way to a better world. Like the lotus flower, we persevere in the face of uncertainty and challenges to find light and growth. Multiple cultures, one community.

APIDA Heritage Month Events & Initiatives
Throughout the month of April and May, APASA invites our community attend events hosted by our student organizations, campus partners, and APASA. Please contact APASA@arizona.edu if you would like to include your events and initiatives as we celebrate our community.
March 28th
- Recipe For Solidarity - In Collaboration with Chinese Chorizo Project, Student Union, Guerrero Student Center, APASA’s Faculty Fellow, & APA Faculty Network
- Cooking Demonstration at Culinary Studio, (SUMC 143), 2-4PM
- Open Mic & Asian Pacific American Faculty Network at Cork & Craft, (SUMC), 4:30PM - 7:00PM
March 29th
- APIDA College Day (In Collaboration with UA Admissions), (SU 409A & 409D), 9AM-3:30PM
April 1st
- Financial Wellness Workshop (In collaboration with THRIVE Center), (SU 409A), 3-4PM
April 2nd
- AACA General Meeting, (SU 409A), 5-6 PM
- JASA General Meeting, (SU 409A), 6-7PM
April 3rd
- VSA General Meeting, (SU 409A), 5-6 PM
April 4th
- FASA General Meeting, (SU 409A), 5-6 PM
- CSA General Meeting, (SU 409J/K), 6-7 PM
- “Riding Han” Film Screening In collaboration with Campus Rec and Korean American Student Association, (South Rec, North Conference Rm 2nd Floor) - @ 6PM
April 5th
- Mahjong Fridays, (SU 409A), 1-5 PM
April 6th
- UA Admitted Student Day
- FASA “Intern Social” (All Day)
April 8th
- ACEL General Meeting, (SU 409A), 5-6 PM
April 9th
- APA Student Council Meeting, (SU 409A), 4-5 PM
- AACA General Meeting, (SU 409A), 5-6 PM
- KASA General Meeting, (SU 409A), 6-7 PM
April 10th
- VSA General Meeting, (SU 409A), 5-6 PM
April 11th
- FASA General Meeting, (SU 409A), 5-6 PM
- CSA General Meeting, (SU 409J/K), 6-7 PM
Apr 12th - 14th
- Pre-Health APAMSA “ACAMPSA”, (All Day)
Apr 12th
- Mahjong Fridays, (SU 409A), 1-5 PM
April 13th
- VSA “VSA Culture Show”, (Tucson Chinese Cultural Center), 6-9PM
April 16th
- Queer APIDA Tea Time, (SU 409D), 4-5PM
- AACA General Meeting, (SU 409A), 5-6 PM
- JASA General Meeting, (SU 409A), 6-7PM
April 17th
- Thrive Dance Collaboration Event, Thrive Center (BASC - Suite 102) 3:30-5:00 PM
- VSA General Meeting, (SU 409A), 5-6 PM
April 18th
- FASA General Meeting, (SU 409A), 5-6 PM
- CSA General Meeting, (SU 409J/K), 6-7 PM
April 19th
- Faculty Staff Friday, (SU 409A), 11-1 PM
- Mahjong Fridays, (SU 409A), 1-5 PM
April 20th
- Alpha Phi Gamma “Aileen Primero Basketball Tournament”, (UA South Rec)
April 22nd
- ACEL General Meeting, (SU 409A), 5-6 PM
- Sakura Project Art Exhibit - Co-hosted by JASA, (SU 409A, 409D, 409J/K), 10AM-7PM
April 23th
- APA Student Council Meeting, (SU 409A), 4-5 PM
- AACA General Meeting, (SU 409A), 5-6 PM
- KASA General Meeting, (SU 409A), 6-7 PM
April 24th
- VSA General Meeting, (SU 409A), 5-6 PM
April 25th
- FASA General Meeting, (SU 409A), 5-6 PM
- CSA General Meeting, (SU 409J/K), 6-7 PM
April 26th
- SFS & APASA Cooking Class, (SU 409A), 11-2 PM
- Mahjong Fridays, (SU 409A), 1-5 PM
April 27th
- Alpha Phi Gamma “Alpha Phi Gamma Formals”, , (5-9 PM)
April 30th
- AACA General Meeting, (SU 409A), 5-6 PM
- JASA General Meeting, (SU 409A), 6-7PM
May 2nd
- Reading Day Breakfast, (SU 409A), 9AM
May 4th
- Lotus Laureate, (SUMC South Ballroom), 2-5PM